The very first step for Japanese learners would be to introduce themselves in Japanese. Here are sentences that native Japanese speakers say and you can modify the sentences for your information.
In Japanese, first-person singular can be removed frequently. So if you just say your name, Japanese people would understand you are talking about your name.
- ジョンです。(I am James.)
- ロバート・スミスです。(I am Robert Smith.)
- メアリーです。(I am Mary.)
- パトリシア・ジョーンズです。(I am Patricia Jones.)
- ブラウンです。(I am Brown.)
You can say this phrase with your first name or your surname or both. In Japan, it is more common to call their surnames in business, so many Japanese people do not mention their first names. And it is extremely rare that a Japanese person has a middle name or 2 given names, but if you want to say yours, you can say it.
Also, in Japan, people normally mention their names with the order of “surname + first name”, but when they mention foreign names, they usually follow the custom of the foreigner’s origins. Therefore, if you come from western culture, Japanese people would find it more natural when you say your first name and then surname after.
However, on business occasions, native speakers tell their names more formally as follows;
Nationality and hometown
- アメリカ出身です。(I am from the US.)
- イギリス出身です。(I am from the UK.)
- インド出身です。(I am from India.)
- アメリカのニューヨーク出身です。(I am from New York, the US.)
- テキサス出身です。(I am from Texas.)
The most simple saying would be the following;
If you want to mention your job, you can also say;
“〜として働いています” sounds a little formal and not that conversational, but it is a good expression for writing.
I have met a lot of male foreigners living in Japan who speak like women. I assume they have Japanese wives or girlfriends and they are the source that foreign men have absorbed the Japanese language from.
- 趣味は読書です。(My hobby is reading.)
- 趣味は映画を見ることです。(My hobby is watching movies.)
- 趣味は筋トレ1です。(My hobby is workout.)
- 趣味は旅行です。(My hobby is travelling.)
You can also say as follows;
- 料理が好きです。(I like cooking.)
- ゲームが好きです。(I like gaming.)
- スポーツを見るのが好きです。(I like watching sports.)